We support SDAT which is an initiative led by Derbyshire Police in conjunction with Social Services, Health Services, schools and other agencies, who work together to safeguard children and adults.
Derbyshire Police notify us of every incident that has been reported to them or is known to them of domestic abuse where a child is living in the household.
This provides a vital link between a child’s home experience and their experience in school and enables us to understand changes in their behaviour, attitude or general presentation and to support children if needed.
Domestic Abuse can encompass but is not limited to the following types of abuse:
- Psychological
- Physical
- Sexual
- Financial
- Emotional
For children witnessing domestic abuse, it is really distressing and scary and can cause a serious long lasting emotional and psychological impact. In some cases, a child may blame themselves for the abuse or may have had to leave the family home as a result. They can experience a wide range of effects.
They may for example
- Become anxious and depressed
- Have difficulty sleeping or have nightmares
- Be easily startled, flinch or react disproportionately to loud noises
- Complain of physical symptoms such as tummy ache
- Start wetting the bed
- Have temper tantrums and display challenging behaviour at school
- Behave younger than they are
- Not want to go to school
- Become aggressive towards others
- Have poor self-worth
- Self-harm
- Have difficulty forming positive relationships
They may feel:
- Guilty – because they think they have done something wrong
- Powerless – because they can’t stop the violence
- Confused – because it doesn’t make sense
- Angry – because it shouldn’t be happening
- Sad – because it’s a loss
- Afraid – because they may be hurt, they may lose someone they love, others may find out
- Alone – because they think it is only happening to them
Where to find help and support
The Hideout is an organisation that offers support and advice to children and families affected by Domestic Abuse.
To find out more click their logo
If you're experiencing domestic abuse or know someone who is, tel: 08000 198 668 and you'll get help from someone close by.
If it's an emergency, tel: 999.
You can also email the support line giving a number you can be contacted safely at derbyshiredahelpline@actionorg.uk
If you're deaf or hearing impaired, text the Derbyshire Domestic Abuse Support Line on tel: 07557 800313. Emergency SMS - text: 999.
For the National Domestic Violence 24-hour help line tel: 0808 2000 247.
The Freedom Programme is a course to help women overcome their experiences of domestic abuse or violence and understand the effects on themselves and their children. For more information contact your health visitor or local children’s centre.