New Bolsover Primary School

New Bolsover Primary School

Be the best you can be!

  1. Curriculum
  2. Computing




Children will learn how to stay safe when using technology and to know what to do if they come across something that is not suitable. We follow the Teach Computing scheme of work for computing which provides children with a range of technological experiences using a variety of tools whilst learning about, computer science, information technology and digital literacy. Each year group has a range of different units which are sequenced in a way to build upon previously learnt skills and to link with other areas of the curriculum.



Computing is taught as a discrete lesson from years 1 to 6, with each term’s work focusing on a different area from the list below;

  • Programming
  • Computer systems and networks
  • Creating media
  • Data and information

These areas are revisited every year in a progressive way, building children’s learning on what they covered in previous years.

Children also receive an e-safety lesson each half term, developing their e-awareness, online research skills and their communication and collaboration.



Pupils build upon their previous knowledge in each area of computing each year.

Pupils know how to write a simple algorithm and can use their problem-solving skills to debug an algorithm to make it work.

Pupils know how to keep themselves safe when using technology and when they are online.

Pupils know how use the internet to retrieve information and are aware of the dangers of fake news.


We follow the Teach Computing scheme of work for computing. Topics covered include:

  • Computer systems and networks
  • Programming
  • Creating digital media
  • Data and information
  • Internet safety and security

In EYFS the children have access to a range of technological toys and age-appropriate software. We encourage the children to develop their computational thinking and problem-solving skills through their play.


Internet safety

Internet safety lessons are taught regularly each half term. We follow the Project Evolve scheme for our e-safety lessons, which is mapped out to fit alongside our PSHE scheme of work. We also take part in Internet safety day every year, this year this is on Tuesday 7th February 2023. The theme is ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’. We will be completing different activities throughout the day from Nursery to Year 6.

To learn more about internet safety at home, children can access the Google Interland game which helps to teach your child all about being kind online; the difference between real and fake information; sharing with care; and keeping information secure. (link to game )


Useful links for parents

Please check the weekly newsletters on Parent Hub for internet safety updates.

For more information on Internet safety and how to help your child stay safe online please see the following websites: