Homework for everyone:
Everyone in school needs to practise their reading at home at least 3 times each week using their reading books. Wider reading material can include: library book, book from home library, magazine/comic/newspaper.
A variety of authors, themes and types of books is really important to get a range and breadth in. Reading together is encouraged.
At school we keep a check on who is reading and how frequently. Pupils who read more at home make better progress at school.
Phonics is taught in school and children are sent home words/sounds to practise. Please support them in learning these new sounds.
Each year group will issue other pieces of homework during the week. Some of this may be recorded in a homework book. All homework is linked to the curriculum and allows pupils to further practise something they have been taught in school. Please support them with this homework. Please encourage your children to take pride in their homework as this is celebrated with the rest of the class and it also helps them to prepare them for work further on in their education.
Thank you.