New Bolsover Primary School

New Bolsover Primary School

Be the best you can be!

  1. Curriculum
  2. Maths




New Bolsover Primary School believes that maths should be fun, interactive and progressive across all the different topics. We deliver a curriculum that helps equip the children for everyday life, is critical to science, technology and engineering and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. We teach the children to work both co-operatively in pairs and small groups and to work independently to become both fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, reason mathematically and problem solving.


In mathematics we deliver a curriculum where everyone can achieve. We follow a scheme of work designed by teachers and mathematicians dedicated to developing maths education for everyone. We work together to make a BIG difference for every pupil. Day after day, we’re shaping happy, confident and resilient learners who discover that maths brings an exciting journey of discovery, understanding and a lifetime of opportunities.

Through maths we will;

  • Provide 1 hour of daily maths, building on previous learning from Reception to year 6,
  • Throughout EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) we enable the children to learn through play and discovery and help them understand the fundamental concepts of real life scenarios,
  • Increase confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in the teaching of mathematics through regular meetings, training (both external and internal), moderation and book scrutinies,
  • We follow the Whiterose scheme and assess regularly (at the end of topics and terms) to tailor learning across all topics within mathematics,
  • We teach through mastery enabling a good level of understanding which then helps bridge any gaps in abilities,
  • We follow and implement the structure of the scheme by using concrete, pictorial and abstract methods,
  • Provide opportunities for cross curricular learning to embed skills taught,
  • Ensure equipment, resources and environments facilitate learning,
  • Provide interventions to help children’s understanding matched specifically to their needs,
  • Use additional resources from Classroom Secrets to extend children’s understanding in solving mathematical problems,
  • Provide a timely development of mathematical vocabulary across school,
  • We make maths active, fun and engaging,
  • We follow the calculation policy linked to the scheme of work to ensure consistency and progression across school.



Pupils are more confident, have a good understanding of arithmetic and are developing the implementations of these skills to solve problems.

Gaps in understanding are narrowing.

Children are constantly developing their mathematical vocabulary.

Children are using their mathematical skills cross curricularly and in their life outside school.

Children can represent their solutions in different ways (using concrete materials, pictorially and abstractly).

Catch up and Keep up

To help children recover from missed learning due to lockdown, we are helping the children in a variety of ways.

Pre-learning intervention – Some children are given extra help prior to lessons to help them understand vocabulary, how to complete different calculations or practise different operations in order to engage and participate fully in following lessons.

Morning activities – Whole class teaching allowing the children to consolidate their learning in a similar way to prior lessons. This is also an opportunity to work on some problem solving to apply newly learnt calculations.

Consolidation interventions – This is usually done in small groups where the children are given the opportunity to go through learning already done in lessons but where they haven’t totally understood the new teaching. Due to the smaller groups, the children have more of an opportunity to ask questions, use mathematical vocabulary and work on any misconceptions they may have made.

Active Maths

We try to plan for some kind of active maths on a weekly basis across school.  This can be anything from moving around the classroom or hall, to orienteering around the school grounds solving problems.


Vocabulary in maths is a big focus in our school and we are making sure we teach the meaning of words, use it as staff and help the children to use it in their explanations.  Children work in mixed ability groups and are encouraged to embed this learning into every day life.

Maths Curriculum Maps

Concrete learning

Children of all ages and abilities are encouraged to use equipment where appropriate to calculate, measure or check their work.

Pictorial learning

Children are encouraged to draw pictures or shapes to embed their learning or prove their answers.

Abstract learning

This involves writing number sentences using the symbols for the different operations.

These types of learning are used throughout the school from nursery up to year 6 and children are encouraged to show their understanding using the different ways of learning to reinforce their own understanding and become more fluent in their work.

Children are taught arithmetic and then they are taught to apply their knowledge through problem solving and reasoning.


We use websites and their resources to enhance our teaching and learning which include:

Salamander Maths

Purple Mash (Nursery to Y6)



Classroom Secrets

Cross curricular activities

We try to include maths in all areas of learning to reinforce the children’s understanding and make it fun. This may be from timing different activities in P.E. to measuring distances on maps.


Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

By the end of Year 4, pupils should know multiplication and division facts up to 12x12.  In June, Year 4 pupils will take the multiplication tables check.  For further information, click here.